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  • Writer's pictureJason Haskins

Past becomes the present: A January jaunt of writing updates

Updated: Jan 18

Snowy trees, as seen through a window with the lower corners frosted.

The year 2008 was only a couple years ago, right? Right?! Sixteen years, you say? In the words of Elaine Benes from Seinfeld, "Get out!"

The math works out, I suppose. Though I am one who considers the 1990s to be "in the last decade", so I am not one to confirm or deny what time is and how the years pass.

2008 was the year I first started logging blog posts over at The Journey of Now. One of the first things I focused on was a series checking out the Boise bar scene. After I wrapped that up, the blog evolved to reviews, sports articles, pop culture musings, satire, and much, much more. A mish-mash of subjects, really, but a nice outlet to write.

Recently, I've taken up the task of re-visiting and cleaning up posts (and deleting a handful). It's been a process, in which I only look at a couple of posts per day, and have currently moved into the year 2015. This was also a period, much like the present day, in which I was without a full-time job (with the difference being in that instance, the choice was mine).

Across the space time continuum, there are similarities of what I was doing then and am doing now. To wit, that is attempting to rally around making being an author a full-time gig. And reading those posts from ten years ago, there has been growth within my writing which can be appreciated.

Evolving and learning is all part of the process. Something I am proud to say (I believe) I have done. And yes, it has been 16 years since the start of the blog. I'll admit it but also choose to ignore it. I will push forward, one foot at a time, gathering the rosebuds while I may.


Since the last monthly update, the year recap at Christmas aside, writing and submitting to theaters, contests, grants, and more has been on the uptick. There was a brief lull in the final two weeks of 2023 but January has brought renewed hope (and a lot of snow and cold weather to the area).

Even poetry re-entered the equation. Nothing new, mind you, just finding the opportunity to place old poetry into a collection, of sorts.

The main focus has been on two projects. The first is a novel, Through the End of Time, which finally reached the end of part one back in December. This novel was first envisioned as a two-book endeavor but since decided to make it one novel with two parts. Early chapters of part two have been written, so I am marching in the right direction.

The second project is a new play I started writing a year ago. Process has been slower than hoped but I have a clear end game and aim to have a private reading by summer.

Per my usual, I am also working on a handful of other projects, including a follow-up of sorts to Of Snow Forts and Santa. And I am knocking out a couple of posts each week on the aforementioned blog, with a lot of focus on the Boise State men's and women's basketball teams at the moment.


Partially due to having nearly four hours of free time, partially due to research for Alley Rep's upcoming show Boulevard of Bold Dreams, I watched Gone with the Wind. I had never seen it before and figured now was as good a time as any to view the film. Short of adding another 500 words regarding my thoughts on the film, I'll say it was good but there are plenty of issues to be discussed.

In the last couple of weeks, I have found myself watching a lot of films. Among my favorites: The Holdovers, Barbie, and Paris is Burning.

Others include Rustin and May December, both of which have fantastic performances from their lead performers but the films overall left something to be desired. (Also watched Fool's Paradise and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. I'll let you go into those at your own risk.)

I haven't been watching much new in the terms of television shows, but am quite enjoying Echo, and the first episode of the latest True Detective has me intrigued.


A stack of ten books next to a bed

The to-be-read pile has been replenished. It's a mix of books I haven't read and a handful I am reading again. Some, like The Sword of Shannara and its original trilogy, are being read for likely the fifth time. Believe it or not, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy will be read for the first time. In my youth, after loving The Hobbit, I tried my hand at the trilogy and struggled to get into it. Who knows why but I am interested to jumping in again.

I ended the year by starting The Sword of Shannara and the tradition of the annual reading of A Christmas Carol. It was a slow crawl as 2023 ended but plenty to be read in 2024.


Turns out, when one forgets to bookmark those favorite and interesting items from around the internet, one is left with little to share. But, I do have a few:

Also, been enjoying the new album (New Blue Sun) from André 3000 and other new music as I attempt to expand my horizons in 2024.

Thanks for stopping by. Be bold. Be kind.

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1 Comment

Jan 27

Good for you, Jason. Inspiring!

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