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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

A trip down memory lane: Summer of '99

Updated: Jul 6

In the center, a small waterfall, splashing. Surrounded by trees and green plant life.

The path is stamped down from years of use. The exploration of memory lane over the years, whether on this site or The Journey of Now blog, is lined with empty beer bottles, blaring music, heartache and happiness, all layered with nostalgia.

And, while we continue down the path, memories tend to even get fuzzy. One drunken night too many, in response blurring the vision years in the future.

I had set out to write about my first true experience as an actor (discounting my days in elementary school playing one of the soldiers in The Nutcracker or a member of the palace band in Cinderella). This was 22 years ago, in the summer of 1999.

Hence the title of this post.

In researching some of the other "memory lane" posts I've done over the years, I discovered I'd already written on today's very subject.

Oops. Granted, a lot has gone on since I wrote two years ago about the experience in performing James McLure's Pvt. Wars, so a foggy brain can be expected.

Rather than selecting a new topic to write on or completely rehashing the story, you can simply read that particular memory lane post on my blog. And I'll proceed with this monthly update quicker than expected while continuing to hold the memory of rehearsals that summer and those three performances close to my heart.

A pink flyer reading "PVT. Wars by James McLure. July 20, 30, and 31, 1999, 7:30 p.m. COWBOY JOE (Eastside). Also, in upper left corner, a clipping from a newspaper article about the show

Writing Updates

A goal to have the final book in the "Magic of Crieo" series ready for publication by the end of 2021 may have been a little ambitious.

This is not to say it won't happen but I want to deliver the best book possible. I continue to get anywhere from 5-10 pages done per week, meaning progress is happening. I'd say about 60 percent of the first draft is complete. The end game is in clear view, however, so it is with great hope I can make a late 2021 publication happen. Thank you to those who patiently await the concluding book in this series that began with The Blue Gem.

July did produce a lot of writing, in a many different areas. Sports articles and blog posts top this list, with also the starts of new plays and screenplays, something that had been lacking the last year or two.

Around the Treasure Valley

The upcoming weeks have some pretty exciting events to look forward to. Here are a few samplings:

- The Boise Bard Players return to the stage with their production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. The first of six performances will be on August 6, with locations and dates for performances across the Treasure Valley.

- Over at Boise Contemporary Theater, the First Annual BIPOC Playwrights Festival is happening. This festival is happening August 2 thru August 14 with readings, workshops, panels, and more.

- On August 6, Visual Arts Collective premieres new work by Flint Weisser titled Raise Your Eyes to the Heavens. This gallery will run through September.

- Story, Story Night will conclude their late-night summer series with BREAKING THROUGH THE WALL: Stories of Overcoming on August 31. If you haven't been to a Story, Story Night performance, I'd highly recommend finding the time to do so.

Many local bands are performing again as of late, which is fantastic to see. Many of these have been performing at breweries, wineries, restaurants, and more so if there's a favorite musician/band of yours (or you're a performer yourself), be sure to leave a comment with the dates/times/etc.

Thanks for stopping by.

Be bold. Be kind.

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