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Jason Haskins

An August update: the latest on writing and more

Updated: Jun 12

Mountains, under blue sky, with a wide river below

The summer is winding down and writing seems to be amping up as temperatures hover around triple digits.

A year ago I was beating the heat and the dog days of traveling to Las Vegas and enjoying temperatures even hotter.

August is only a few days young and, despite the heat, already feel accomplished. The completion of the first draft of The Blue Gem happened and the process of typing/editing has begun.

The 1st draft took nearly three years to complete. The first pages were written shortly after the release of The Dragon Princess. It took me about a year longer than planned, though still quicker than George R.R. Martin can kick out a book in his Game of Thrones series.

The goal now is to have another draft completed by the end of the year with an eye of having it published online in early 2018. I've been pounding the pavement seeking out a literary agent in hopes of taking the next step and actually getting these books in hard copy form. The option to self-publish in this form is also available; it's simply much cheaper to take the route of self-publishing online.

There has been so much focus on finishing up the first draft of The Blue Gem that playwriting has fallen by the wayside. I hope to find my voice again in that art form as August progresses.

I do continue to search for homes for my other full-length plays and do currently have a few nibbles regarding those. More on that as updates roll in.

The 2017-18 series over at Alley Repertory Theater will be starting soon. Though a season hasn't been finalized (still waiting on word for rights to a final play), I'm looking forward to another season as the dramaturg and resident playwright. We are currently working on bringing back the 'Plays from the Alley' series under a different format. Stay tuned for info on that as well.

Outside of editing a full-length screenplay and starting the early process of writing a short film with a couple of friends, news of my writing exploits has been on the light side. Keep up-to-date with my sports writing over at Chowder and Champions and Bronco Nation News.

Until we meet again.

Be bold. Be kind.

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