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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

Films, Play Festival and More

Updated: Jun 5

The month of June has kept me pretty occupied. Between film sets, writing new plays, and editing/re-writing novels, I've found enough to keep me out of trouble. And the rest of the summer figures to keep the momentum going so I'm very thankful for that. (For a more in-depth look at what I've been working on, aside from what I'm about to drop here, head over to The Journey of Now blog.)

Early in June, I found myself participating again in the i48 Film Festival here in Boise. My participation was a bit more limited than in last year's Blind Steal, but I contributed nonetheless. This year, I helped with the writing, did some script supervision, and was the co-line producer. I enjoy being on the set with friends, even if my hands aren't too deep into the garden. Though our group did not advance to the 'Best of' this year, the learning process was very valuable, especially to me as I work towards directing more film and theater in the coming year.

Photo Credit: Brett Pedersen

After that weekend, I dove headfirst into the writing of a new ten-minute play for HomeGrown Theatre's second annual summer reading festival. I was given a prompt to help begin the process. The central theme of the festival, Dog Days of Summer, remained the same, but the six playwrights that accepted the challenge were each given a different prompt. We had a rehearsal for my play the other night and I'm excited to see the plays in action on Tuesday, June 28th. (For more information, check out the HomeGrown Theatre Facebook page.)

Over at Alley Repertory Theater, we are preparing for another exciting season. At the moment, we have three shows lined up and some other fun stuff in the works. Can't tell you yet, but the upcoming season promises to step into some new territory for the company. Hopefully, an official announcement will be coming soon.

July will hold a renewed focus on writing new pages for The Blue Gem and finally finishing the rewrite for The Latitude of Life. I will also be acting in a short film, playing Tesla, so that is an experience I'm looking forward to.

There it is. An update for those curious. Be safe out there. Be kind to each other. Find something new to learn every day and take five minutes to appreciate what you have in life. Oh, and if you have a moment, add my book, The Dragon Princess, to your summer reading list. After all, it costs only $1.99 to download.

"This day is special. It's like no other day that's ever been. It's like no other day that ever will be. This day will never come again." Gately in Private Wars by James McClure

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