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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

The caring human spirit: catch it, pass it on

Updated: Jun 29

An empty city street. Apartment buildings and businesses on either side, streetlights in the distance

"It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times." ~ The Simpsons, season 4 episode 17.

The world is quiet. Welcome to the new temporary normal.

In this moment of uncertainty, social distancing, isolation, and concern, there has been one thing I've noticed. It might be a small sampling size, for it's based on my social media feeds alone, but there has been an uptick of basic humanity. The vitriol and hate are still present, whether it be in comments or posts, but I have personally seen less of it.

Instead, the majority are encouraging each other and helping spread information. Kindness has a way of spreading, especially in this time of realization that perhaps we have been moving too fast and pushing ourselves perhaps a bit too hard. A few examples included: where to find groceries, school lessons for parents to teach their children and what's new in closures, restaurants who deliver (bookstores, too) and even fun memes to laugh at while we're at home as we hope to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Even these geese are practicing their social distancing:

Seven geese, spread out, on a patch of grass near a sidewalk and city street

Certain Industries, and workers from these industries, have been hit hard. Bar and restaurant staff, whose establishments in many cities have closed for at least the next two weeks, have been laid off.

Musicians, artists, and performers have also lost income due to canceled gigs, concerts, plays, and other performances. Many depend on these as full-time work, events that normally pay the bills that they'll be without the next few weeks (or possibly longer).

Some have turned to playing concerts online from the comfort of their own home as a way to supplement their income, accepting donations from those people who can afford to contribute.

And that's why I'm here today. Not to ask for money for myself, though a book sale or two is always nice. I am grateful to have a full-time job that allows me to work from home and there are others more in need than I am. Instead, I wanted to do a post sharing links to some of my favorite local artists and groups that recently had canceled shows, concerts, and more.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, mostly announcements and articles I've seen via social media. My hopes are there are at least one or two on the list that you recognize, that you love and would love to donate to, buy music or merchandise from, or simply share your love of with others. That way, these artists, groups, businesses, and musicians can continue do what they love when this reset on the world happens. And, with faith in humanity and a giving spirit, it most certainly will.

Artists, musicians, etc

Many of the musicians are hosting sessions on Facebook or Instagram. Some have music and merchandise available to purchase as well.

The Green Zoo


Sun Blood Stories

Leta Harris Neustaedter and Todd Dunnigan held a dueling pianos streaming concert on March 21. Not sure if they'll do it again, but I hope they do.

The Record Exchange in Boise is still doing deliveries/curbside pickup so some of these artists might have titles available there as well.

Treasure Valley Arts Groups

Alley Repertory Theater:

Boise Contemporary Theater

Red Light Variety Show

Story, Story Night:

Other places and articles

Gem Center for the Arts & Lounge at the End of the Universe

This article from NPR is valuable for ways to help artists and service industry workers.

A list of Boise restaurants offering delivery and to-go menus.

Take a virtual tour of these 12 famous museums

Free virtual tour of the Winchester Mystery House (until it re-opens)

Winco, Albertsons, and Fred Meyer are a few stores looking to hire part-time help

Please, please feel free to drop a link in the comments with a helpful or fun article/website you've come across. Or a link to a local musician (wherever local might be), band, performing arts group, or anyone who might need a little extra during this time. Thanks!

Be bold. Be kind.

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