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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

Marching towards a novel finish

Updated: Jul 9

A partially snowy road, with grooves thanks to previous traffic on the now-empty highway. Sun shines on a hill to the left but ahead, gray cloudy skies

Inching closer to the completion of The Dragon Slayer.

It's been a long, slow tease. Coming up on four years since the release of its predecessor The Blue Gem. So, it's past due. The words, however, are coming fast and furious and the story is gearing up for rousing conclusion with a release date becoming more clear.

Stay tuned...

That being said, the writing updates will be quick and easy this month, with some events happening around the Treasure Valley this month to close this update.

Writing has mainly focused on The Dragon Slayer but that has not been the only focus. Been keeping up with the Boston Celtics over at Chowder and Champions and, with MLB owners and players at a stalemate, only the Celtics for the time being (sorry Red Sox).

Dancing around with other novels and plays, doing edits and submitting them to agents, publishers, and the like. Also been digging in with the Journey of Now blog lately, with posts on the 1990s sitcom Wings, a film tournament involving the Academy Award Best Picture winners from the last 64 years, and here very shortly, writing about that glorious time of year: college basketball tournaments.

Also, time has been spent doing dramaturgy work for an upcoming show, helping shed a little light on the early 1900s.

Around the Treasure Valley

- The above work was done for Alley Repertory Theater and their upcoming production of The Royale by Marco Ramirez. This play is loosely based on the life of boxer Jack Johnson, one of the greatest boxers to enter the ring. The Royale opens March 10 and runs through March 20 at the Visual Arts Collective.

- Speaking of the Visual Arts Collective, they have a busy month. On March 5th, Dykes in Drag graces the stage with a burlesque and drag show. And on March 29th, Princess Goes to the Butterfly Museum will play (tickets sold out for this one). Between this show and the close of The Royale, the owner and staff of the VAC will be working at the Treefort Festival.

- Treefort returns to its normal slot in 2022 after a canceled 2020 event was pushed to the fall of 2021. Plenty of music, film, yoga, beer, and more to go around when the Treefort Music Festival descends upon Boise March 23 - March 27.

- The Boise Bard Players are back in action this month with their production of Romeo and Juliet. This show opens March 25 and will run through April 3 at Mad Swede Brewing.

As always, these are just a sampling of events happening around the Treasure Valley in March.

Thanks for stopping by.

Be bold. Be kind.


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