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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

Journey into July: Price changes & updates

Updated: Jul 14

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Let's not dilly-dally. Going to get this out of the way right off the bat and cut away the fat in relaying the news in this month's update: Prices to purchase my books (in paperback and hard cover) have gone up.

Back in May, or early June, I received the dreaded email that printing costs were on the rise. In turn, if I wanted to earn royalties on books (and keep a little change in my pocket), I'd have to adjust.

An initial fear was a drastic raise of book prices was going to be needed with these updates. Thankfully, that was not the case and I was able to adjust most prices within a sensible dollar or two. These prices took effect on June 20, 2023 and are listed as such (TITLE/E-Book/paperback/hard cover) below:

The biggest jump was for my first fantasy novels, likely due to the way I formatted them. And though I am not working on a new fantasy novel, I am in the process of revising The Dragon Princess. The 10-year anniversary of its release is in the summer of 2024, so it is my goal to have a second-edition of this book tentatively out around that time.

This is one of many projects swirling in my mind and being explored in recent weeks.

Writing Updates

In recent weeks, I've reverted back to a time where ideas pop up left and right and I have the urge to write, write, write. Do I? Well, that's a question not dissimilar from "what is the meaning of life?".

Writing is done but to carry these ideas to the next level, it's focus that is lacking.

An idea for a new play has been percolating since January (and usually a few pages written monthly) and a screenplay for two months now. But, the bigger news: work is being done on another novella, centering around the same characters from Of Snow Forts and Santa. Very, very early stages but about four pages of typed notes have been plotted out, so with any luck perhaps a release in late-2024 is possible.

For Chowder & Champions, June was a month in which I wrote about the Boston Red Sox. No articles for the Boston Celtics as I still recover from not only their Eastern Conference Finals loss, but the trade of Marcus Smart.


Film viewing slowed down again in June, especially in the new release department. I need to get back to the actual movie theater, since there are plenty of new films I want to see. (And a reminder, I'm on Letterboxd. Don't leave a lot of reviews but I at least rate everything I watch.)

As it were, only three films were watched. The two I really enjoyed were classics, while the third had some good fun and made some decent points but ultimately, don't really understand all the hype around it.

  • Some Like it Hot

  • Rebel Without a Cause


On the television side of things, the second season of The Bear premiered. I am only three episodes in, choosing to savor this outstanding show. Really appreciating the character developments and storylines so far, lending a different type of chaos then witnessed in season one.

Finally started Veep (MAX) and went a little further back, too, in starting Weeds (PEACOCK). Also added Maid (NETFLIX) to the mix and am quite invested in all three shows.


Knocked three more titles (two books, one play) out of my stack in recent weeks, all of which I recommend adding to your list.

  • 40 by Alan Heathcock

  • A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

  • Potus by Selina Fillinger

Around the web

I fell asleep on tracking the articles, interviews, and interesting tidbits from around the web in June. I know there was so much more, so I promise to keep more up-to-date in the future.

- This article from EW is a conversation between Jeremy O. Harris and the cast, including Oscar Isaac, of The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window by Lorraine Hansberry. Isaac discusses why he almost quit acting before joining the production.

- An article from the Boise Weekly on Boise's enduring icon, Rocci Johnson.

Thanks for stopping by this month. Be bold. Be kind.

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