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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

A year on the Boise River Greenbelt

Updated: Jul 7

Sun reflecting off river, with tall green trees towering over the water

Fourteen years of living within walking distance of the Boise River Greenbelt, and it has been only over the last 15 months I truly began to take advantage. In this time, urban hiking has become a constant in my life.

Early years in this area were spent riding my bike, heading in the direction of the hills, passing by the Warm Springs Golf Course. Or some days it was off in the other direction to take a nice, Saturday morning ride out to the fairgrounds.

Later years, the bike was discarded and time was spent running and training. Once for a 10K and once for a half-marathon. Many routes took me along the river, knocking out three, four, or five miles at a time.

Exploring routes in both directions, discovering areas I'd never bothered paying attention to before, and enjoying the simple sights of nature have all been part of the recent routine. Hours spent listening to music, earbuds in but with volume just low enough to allow the churning water of the nearby river to provide adequate ambiance.

Alone with thoughts and lyrics, jaunts short and long have provided a nice respite from the noise of the world. A left-right-left bonanza, even fighting construction and detours along the way.

Boise River (churning right to left). Tall trees in the background. Bushes in the foreground.

Taking these walks, plus a return to jogging the last couple of months, has been done in rain and shine, snow and wind. A visit to the MK Nature Center was done for the first-time ever, despite passing by it for years. Taking the time to look at plaques on benches had me finding the memorial of a long lost friend, who passed from this Earth far too soon.

Calming the mind and lifting the heart. Two positives among many that have entered my soul since I've started taking these walks. It's given me a chance to explore what I've been missing out on these years. Paying attention to what has been quietly been given to this city. The joys of a river, nature, and wildlife, running right there through the middle of the city (and beyond).

Racking up miles has led me to city limits, across bridges, and under highways. And while there is plenty left to explore and miles to conquer, soon it might be time to take things up a notch: Exploring the many hiking trails and mountain areas.

Progress. Naturally.


Holidays are inching ever closer, meaning it's time to recommend Of Snow Forts and Santa. That could mean dusting off the copy you already own or purchasing for the first time. This novella is available in paperback and to download, and is perfect for anyone age 10 and older.

If fantasy novels are your thing, there is two of those to choose from. The Dragon Princess was self-published in 2014 and The Blue Gem in 2018. Both lead up to what is hopefully a 2022 release of The Dragon Slayer.

Been also sprinkling in work on a new play, a new screenplay, and am even debating a return to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, in November) this year. Haven't participated in years but suddenly have an inkling to give it the old college try again here in 2021.

A film I was in, Love There That's Sleeping (A Saltiwords Production), that shot in the spring/summer of 2019 was selected for the Twin Film Sandwiches Film Festival. This event takes places November 5 and 6.

Upcoming around the Treasure Valley

- On October 19 and 20, the 7th annual DEI Summit by the Blue Sky Institute is taking place. This Diversity, equity, & inclusion summit has quite the lineup of leaders and speakers this year and is a valuable opportunity. (Deadline to register for this online event is Oct. 15).

- Boise Contemporary Theater tentatively opens up their season on October 13 with I and You by Lauren Gunderson.

- Jeff Crosby will be gracing the stage at Visual Arts Collective on Oct. 29. The day after, the 6th Annual Grateful Halloween takes place. And Devolution: New Work by Noble Hardesty opened on Oct. 1 and runs through November. Be sure to check out this exhibit, as 40% of all art sales benefit VAC.

- October 23 at the Idaho State Museum is Día de los Muertos Community Day.

- The Egyptian Theatre in downtown Boise has plenty of upcoming events scheduled, including the H48 Film Festival Awards Ceremony. The theatre also has a slate chalk full of Horror/Thriller/Halloween movies, including Hocus Pocus, Interview with a Vampire, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, to name a few.

Thanks for stopping by. Be bold. Be kind. (And, since it's that time of year, enjoy the below video.)


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