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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

Engaging the boosters, half-speed ahead in February

Updated: Jun 22

A foggy day in the city. One white, four-door car in an otherwise empty parking lot

Boy, January 2019, you sure went up and disappeared quickly.

One day, a person is setting out with eyes up, ready to attack a new year with gusto. Really get out there, put the nose to the grindstone, and get stuff accomplished.

Oh, hey, it's now February. Wasn't it just yesterday a Christmas letter was posted and eggnog was chugged at incredulous rates? There are moments I really desire, and I think many of us can agree, that more hours could open up in the day or, at the very least, we could slow down the minutes.

So yeah. February.

Veering down at the piles of books, plays, notepads, and more, from the uncomfortable wood chair that precariously leans in one direction and could break at any minute, I see a week's worth of scattered work. Sunday's I straighten this pile, put stuff away, but by the end of the week we're back at square 12.

I call it organized chaos.

Among this chaos is the play Indecent by Paula Vogel, of which Alley Repertory Theater is producing in March. I've been again doing dramaturg work for the play so a notebook with copious amount of notes is only a few feet away.

A DVD case of Almost Famous is there, as I just completed my yearly watching. Envelopes from sponsors, an audition sign-in sheet from the fall, my weekly planner, printouts on Yiddish and Judaism, and two yellow legal pads help fill out pile. Pages of sports articles, a fantasy novel, and half-baked ideas fill these pages, some words already on the internet and some never to see the light of day.

The pile will be straightened up, writing materials put away for good while others re-appearing only hours later. But I look forward to doing it all again here in February.

Updates (of the writing variety. Mostly?)

I set out this year to do something different with this updates/blog page of my website. I haven't quite got there yet but hey, 11 months remain in 2019.

Writing in January was mostly focused on the original screenplay Kings without Castles (A Christmas Story). There was a competition I wanted to enter, with a deadline of January 20, and a rewrite was needed. Took some work, but I managed to to slip a new version in two hours prior to the deadline.

A brief synopsis about the screenplay: The lives of residents from one apartment building intersect in the weeks leading up to Christmas, leading them on journeys in search of what they value most in life. A tale of family, love, faith, and finding out to what extent one will lay down their own life for another's happiness.

In addition to sports articles and the screenplay, the writing I did was mostly focused on The Blue Gem. I've been taking another pass at the manuscript, editing it to get the novel ready to publish in paperback. The process has been slow, but I hope to have it finished by the one-year anniversary of its release date in March.

Around the Treasure Valley: February edition

- On Saturday, February 16 at the Visual Arts Collective in Garden City, Mostly Muff will be performing for their 10th (and final) year. Proceeds from this year's concert, pay-what-you-want donations at the door, will be given to Immigrant Justice Idaho.

- Writing for Performance with Heidi Kraay begins February 6 at the Cabin in Boise.

- February 11 at White Dog Brewing, Opal Theater presents a reading of The Revolutionists.

- Opening Feb. 6, continuing through March and running in repertory at BCT, are the plays Lewiston and Clarkston. (Clarkston opens Feb. 13).

Thanks for stopping by.

Be bold. Be kind.

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