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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

July: Taking care of business (mostly every day)

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

River in the mountains

Summer has rolled in. And with it, a chance to do a bit of writing while in the company of nature's serenity. The process of writing can be often formulaic at times, whether the act of writing occurs at a specific time of day or a specialized routine happens that allows words to flow. A journey from the first word to a finalized work can be exactly that: a journey. Twists and turns, starts and stops, and so much more leads a writer to expected endings and openings to unknown doors all at the same time.

Now is a time of the year to switch up the writing locations, breaking up the norm of the kitchen table, the Barnes and Noble, or the nearest coffee shop or bar.

This is not to say writing in locations such as in the mountains or by the river can't be done in any other season. Hanging out by a river full of rushing water or near a cluster of trees high in the mountains during the summer months brings a sigh of relief to the writing process. Distractions such as electronics or the din of World Cup soccer playing on the television are gone.

It's me, nature, a pen, paper, and endless thoughts of which to start transcribing. Peace and productivity go hand in hand. The words flow.

Now, if only I can get to the river.

Monthly update

Normally, these top-of-the-month posts are reserved for updates and other endeavors involving my creative outlets. And honestly, it's been a little quiet over the past month.

This is not to say I haven't been writing. In fact, it's been a daily grind in which progress was made on a variety of projects, ranging from fantasy novel to screenplay to stage play. Throw in a lengthier piece for Chowder and Champions on NBA draft busts and expanded investment of my blog and World Cup coverage, I've found ways to keep at it in most regards (with only a FEW distractions).

Star Wars action figure in the pot of an indoor aloe plant.

Submitting plays and screenplays took a backseat in June, a task I will hopefully remedy this coming month. Started in earnest last night as I turned to my trusty Dramatists Sourcebook. Though it's an older edition, I managed to find a couple of theaters to submit to. (Adversely, it was a little disheartening to see how many theaters have folded in the last few years; theaters that had been around in this country for a long time. Hopefully new ones have been popping up in their place.)

The Dragon Princess and The Blue Gem are still available to purchase. The former is available to download and in paperback, while the latter is only available for download. I'm in the process of working on maps and a few light edits so it might be a bit before I choose to add the paperback option for The Blue Gem (unless I find the magical agent or publisher that has thus far eluded me).

July and into August promises to be a busy month, with a few things in the pipeline and ramping up for the 2018-19 series over at Alley Repertory Theater. Stay tuned for more on that.

Around the Treasure Valley

There's always a lot going on in this great valley, especially during the summer.

  • If you are fan of Saved by the Bell, the Boise Hawks will be holding a 'Saved by the Bell Night' on July 21. Mr. Belding himself, Dennis Haskins, is scheduled to be there.

  • HomeGrown Theatre is accepting submissions for their annual 'Horrific Puppet Affair". The deadline to submit is July 12, 2018.

  • Fire & Sword will be playing a July 4 show at the Neurolux

  • Per usual, the Visual Arts Collective also has plenty of exciting events scheduled for July.

On a more somber note, Boise was the place of tragic knife attack on Saturday in which nine people, six of which were children, were stabbed. Many are part of Boise's vibrant refugee community and a fund has been set up to help with medical expenses and more: International Rescue Committee

Thanks for stopping by. Spread the word about the fantasy novels, if you'd be so kind. Or if you've read either of the above novels and have a chance to rate the book on Amazon or Goodreads, feel free.

Be bold. Be kind.

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