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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

March: The beat goes on (and on)

Updated: Jun 16

Snow covering six vehicles in a parking lot, with gray skies and rows of trees in the background

There was a big part of me that wanted to provide this week's update as this: "The Blue Gem isn't quite ready. Check back soon."

I realized I owe a better update than that. Yes, I could be working on the book instead of this post but I decided there is plenty of time in the day. Did I somehow manipulate time and space to create extra hours in the day? No. I have simply decided sleep is overrated.

So hi. Welcome to an update for March.

The Blue Gem is on track to arrive in March as promised. I initially aimed for the first few days, but being my own editor comes with a few drawbacks. And I do have a wee bit of trouble for the fact I can be too much of a perfectionist. I'm in the process of doing a closer look at the manuscript for minor errors and such. The goal as of now is to have it ready for sale within the next ten days and no later than March 15. (Beware, beware). Stay tuned to this website, and various other social media outlets, for the book's release.

February was a month for editing the novel while working on two others. The month was also used for in-depth research on Alley Repertory Theater's newest production, Women of a Certain Age by Richard Nelson. This play takes place on November 8, 2016 and is about the fictional Gabriel family of Rhinebeck, NY. I have been working as a dramaturg for a few years now and this play was not only fun to dive into, but also presented a few challenges I hadn't experienced in previous productions. Challenges in a good way, of course, that tested my research skills and also got me out of my comfort zone a bit.

I hope it was worth it in the end. The play opens tonight (March 2) and runs through March 11.

A kitchen set for a play, with light brown cupboards and drawers below a sink stacked with dishes, a coffee maker, and paper towel. On the right side of the wall, a cupboard, left door open.

Set design by Taylor Hawker

March also means March Madness in my world. College basketball continues to be a favorite of mine and takes on extra importance when the Boise State Broncos basketball teams are in the thick of the hunt. Both the men's and women's teams are near the top of the conference and both have a shot at making the big dance. Needless to say, I will hopefully be busy writing about their exploits over the next couple of weeks.

And I continue to contribute over at Chowder and Champions with posts on the Boston Red Sox, Boston Celtics, and the occasional look at Boston College.

The Winter Olympics also interrupted my normally scheduled writing. If you missed anything or would just like to take a peek, you can read some recaps on The Journey of Now blog.

Honestly, that was February on the career front. Had a few film festivals return a "not accepted" on a couple of scripts I wrote. A little disheartening but the fight marches on.

See what I did there? It's March and I wrote marches -- you know, forget about it.

I also hope to return in March with my first interview of a local artist. This was a goal of mine at the start of the year and I'm inching closer to putting it together to premier later this month.

Until next time.

Be bold. Be kind.

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