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Jason Haskins

Hello December, what'cha knowin'?

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

A fake Christmas tree, 40 inches high, with decorations such as tinsel, candy canes, bulbs (blue, gold, and silver), and lights

Sitting here, waiting for the Boise State Broncos to battle the Fresno State Bulldogs for the Mountain West Conference Championship, I decided I'd provide my monthly update for December.

The month of November was spent on a variety of projects, a little bit of down time over Thanksgiving, and failing miserably in most of my fantasy football leagues.

Heading into December, hopes are high.

I mentioned this last month, but the editing of The Blue Gem has begun. It's a slow process but over the past few weeks I have maintained a goal of editing a chapter per day. If the progress continues at this rate, a release date in early 2018 will occur. Get ready, if you haven't yet, by purchasing The Dragon Princess for only 99 cents. (Download only. Still working on the hard copies.)

There has also been a focus on writing a short film. This one is loosely adapted from a ten-minute play I wrote called Pandora's Box. This short film has jumped to the top of my priority list as I am hoping to get it done by next week to submit in the Sun Valley One Potato screenplay contest. I've had a goal of entering this contest the past two years with failed results. This year I am only a few pages away so it should be considered a done deal.

I have also been working on a couple of other novels, Palm Trees and Paradise and Through the End of Time. The former took precedence towards the end of the before a wall was hit. We'll see how December plays out and where my mind goes.

My mind has not gone the playwriting route as of late. Still have ideas brewing yet when it comes to put them to paper, I go blank. Let's see if this month that problem gets fixed.

Speaking of theater, Alley Rep completed a successful opening weekend of The Golden Girls Christmas Extravaganza. The second weekend is currently sold out so snag those tickets now for the final two weekends.

And if you like puppets, be sure to check out HomeGrown Theatre's Horrific Puppet Affair. The sixth annual affair opens December 8 at Woodland Empire in Boise.

Theater is running rampant in Boise during December as BCT opens Eric Coble's The Storm in the Barn on December 6.

There were also a few screenplay readings I was part of and a fantastic workshop I attended about crafting characters who aren't like you. The workshop was taught by K. Tempest Bradford and was sponsored by Surel's Place. Glad I had the chance to attend this valuable workshop.

Prepping for the new year, I look back and see it was a successful one. More will be talked about this in my annual Christmas letter over on my blog page in a few weeks. And stay tuned in January where I re-evaluate last year's goals and create some new ones for 2018.

Until then: Be bold. Be kind.

Follow me on Instagram: @jason_78

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