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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

Keeping Momentum Moving Forward in April

Updated: Jun 9

Sitting back, reflecting on the previous month, I see words have been written. New projects, continuing projects and even the occasional jotting of an idea on a scrap piece of paper have all had words applied to them.

While there is no real news to speak of in regards to writing, like last month's news about my one act play One Night Stand, I still find success in the fact I keep writing.

Simple? No. Self-congratulatory? You betcha. I think everyone needs a dash of that in their lives. Stay humble, but maybe allow a humble brag from time to time.

I've even found time to keep writing about Boston sports teams and even at The Journey of Now blog, though the latter took a few weeks hiatus as I focused on a new play and my second fantasy novel.

The blog did include some old poetry I found and a short story. And the new play is an idea I've had for a while, but finally found the focus to sit down and start. It is currently of the full-length variety and I'm roughly 45 pages in on the first draft.

The Blue Gem, the follow up to my first novel The Dragon Princess, is slowly creeping towards completion of a first draft. In August it will be three years since I started. A slow process, for sure, but moving much quicker than the 20 years it took to finalize the first book.

In my spare time, I've also been participating in what is now called the JUMP Film workout. I have been part of the writing aspect and moving forward will not only be writing but also serving as one of a few writing mentors in this group. Excited to be part of this process, in which three-month increments will include the writing, filming, and editing of short films.

I believe that is it on the writing, film, and theater front (Alley Repertory recently finished up another season and is currently gearing up for an exciting 2017-18 series). For now, as long as the words keep coming and my brain doesn't wander, I look forward to what April holds.

"What you seek is seeking you."- Rumi

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