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Writer's pictureJason Haskins

Film Updates

Updated: Jun 4

Last weekend, in association with the Boise Actors Workout and Boise Writers Workout, I was lucky enough to participate in the making of a short film for the Colchester Film Festival and their 60-hour short film challenge. Not only was I a writer on the project, I worked on the sound and was able to be on the set for the majority of filming.

For this challenge, our group was given a title (Forget Me Not), a line of dialogue (It's the very last chance to grab one), and an action/prop (A spoon digging a hole). Directed and edited by Brandon Freeman, "Forget Me Not" was put together in less than 60 hours and had a wonderful cast and crew to bring it all to fruition.

As tiring as working on a film set can be, I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. Seeing a finished product is worth those long hours (Plus, when you have a dedicated group of hard working people, the experience is much more enjoyable.)

In other news, a film that I was lucky enough to have a small part in and be an associate producer on recently showed at the first annual Boise Film Festival. Not only that but the film was later named "Best Idaho Film" at a ceremony awarding the efforts of the filmmakers.

Spray Paint Atlas, written, directed, and edited by the talented Trevor Campbell, was filmed throughout the northwest in late summer of 2012. The feature film was produced with a budget of $8000 and has played in various festivals across the United States.

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